Daniel E. Cathcart was appointed the Tree Warden for the City of Quincy in February 2023.
Daniel’s love of trees was passed down by his late father, who worked as an arborist for 67 years. “My first memory of being actively involved in arboriculture is when I was 10 years old,” he says. “My dad took me to an Arbor Day event in Lancaster, Mass., and had me speak on the history and significance of Arbor Day.”
Daniel started his career in 1986 as a tree climber. Years later he became a certified arborist and began a chapter as a sales representative for several tree companies.
For several years before joining the City of Quincy, Daniel operated a private arboricultural consulting practice. His focus was on tree protection, preservation, and maintenance planning.
Daniel holds several certifications and qualifications:
• International Society of Arboriculture - Board Certified Master Arborist #TX-1357B
• International Society of Arboriculture - Tree Risk Assessment Qualified
• Massachusetts Arborist Association – Massachusetts Certified Arborist #41801
• American Society of Consulting Arborist - Registered Consulting Arborist #766
• Massachusetts Qualified Tree Warden #1097
Daniel hopes to take a tree-centric approach to preserve and maintain the health of our urban forest, while maintaining public safety.