Tree stories: Ode to the maple

by Ann-Marie Amendolare, for the Quincy Tree Alliance. Published in The Quincy Sun

I look through my kitchen window

Where I see the Maple Tree ~~

And for some compelling reason

She means a lot to me.

A Crimson King Red Maple ~~

It’s a brooding shade of red.

Not a fragrance ~~ nor a flower ~~

No beauty ‘round her head.

We planted her when Jane was nine

The day the swings came down;

A little twig of tiny leaves

Attached to a stick of brown.

She grew like an umbrella,

Joe trimmed her top just so;

Her sparkling lights at Christmas time

Made our backyard glow.

But after all these many years

Of faithfully being there,

Our special tree got very sick

And needed special care.

We called the best tree doctor ~~

He sprayed her withered leaves,

He fertilized her dying roots,

He said, “I’m good with trees.”

We had to do this every year,

But she is standing tall.

She’s full, she’s red, she’s beautiful ~~

She’s the dearest tree of all.

I soon could see beyond the glass

My living memory;

And I could stand beneath her shade

And say, “I Love You, Tree!”

So many years have passed since then ~~

As years are wont to do.

I’ve moved away ~~ I’ve left that house ~~

I’ve lost that joyful view.

Now when I pause where she still stands,

I hope she knows it’s me. 

I see her ~~ I remember her ~~

I sigh, “I Miss You, Tree!” 

Is there a special tree in Quincy that means a lot to you? Submit your 600-word Tree Story to


Tree Stories: Grandma’s tree


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