Book review: Finding the Mother Tree
Image: Penguin Random House
A forest ecologist who grew up in the logging area of British Columbia, Dr. Suzanne Simard has found that forest trees share carbon and nutrients, and even communicate, via a network of underground fungi. In Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest – an extension of her well-loved TED talk – Simard chronicles her journey of discovery, where she begins to see trees as interdependent, cooperative creatures rather than solely a source of timber and pulp.
Simard’s research was once disregarded by other scientists, but her steadfast commitment to her work led to discoveries about the complexity of forests that could not be denied. Her lyrical writing is captivating and eye-opening, giving even non-science minded readers a better sense of the inner workings of these majestic behemoths with whom we share this world.
– Gina Favata, QTA and Quincy Climate Action Network member
Note: This review was originally published on QCAN’s website. QCAN is planning to organize an environmental book club later this year, growing out of recent informal book chats at our meetings – please email if you are interested in joining or have ideas for books for the group to read.